JK Police Constable Syllabus Pdf
JK Police Constable Exam Pattern 2019
S.NO. Exam Type Name of the Subject Questions Time
I Objective Type General Awareness/ Reasoning 100 2 Hours
II General Knowledge
III Analytical Aptitude and ability
IV Elementary Mathematics
JK Police Constable Syllabus 2019
JK Constable Syllabus - General Awareness
JK Police Constable Exam Pattern 2019
S.NO. Exam Type Name of the Subject Questions Time
I Objective Type General Awareness/ Reasoning 100 2 Hours
II General Knowledge
III Analytical Aptitude and ability
IV Elementary Mathematics
JK Police Constable Syllabus 2019
JK Constable Syllabus - General Awareness
- Current affairs related to national and international issues of last 6 months,
- Overview of Indian Financial System,
- History of Indian banking system,
- Recent credit and monetary policies
- Indian History.
- Indian Culture.
- Sports.
- Zoology.
- Famous Days & Dates.
- Botany.
- Indian Politics.
- Physics.
- Indian Parliament.
- Basic GK.
- Chemistry.
- Geography.
- Environment.
- Indian Economy.
- Inventions in the World.
- Basic Computer.
- Famous Books & Authors.
- JK Police Constable Syllabus - General Knowledge
- About India.
- History – India & World.
- Cultural Heritage.
- General Science.
- Space & IT.
- Indian Constitution.
- National news (current).
- Indian Culture.
- Economy
- Political Science.
- Indian National Movement.
- Indian Polity & Governance.
- Science & Technology.
- Scientific observations.
- International issues.
- Abbreviations.
- Economic Scene.
- Everyday Science.
- Sports and Games.
- Science – Inventions & Discoveries.
- Important Days.
- General Knowledge of Karnataka.
- Important Financial & Economic News.
- Current Affairs – National & International.
- Indian Constitution.
- History.
- General Politics.
- Awards and Honors.
- Culture.
- Books and Authors.
- Current events.
- Geography.
- Current Affairs.
- Social Science.
- Inventions in the World.
- Indian Economy.
- Indian Parliament.
- Botany.
- Chemistry.
- Indian Politics.
- Sports.
- Zoology.
- Environment.
- Basic Computer.
- Indian History.
- Famous Days & Dates.
- Famous Books & Authors.
- Geography.
- Physics.
- Indian Culture.
- JK Police Constable Syllabus - Reasoning
- Puzzles.
- Data Sufficiency.
- Non-Verbal Reasoning.
- Verbal Reasoning.
- Logical Reasoning.
- Data Interpretation.
- Analytical Reasoning.
- Number Series.
- Letter and Symbol Series.
- Verbal Classification.
- Essential Part.
- Analogies.
- Artificial Language.
- Matching Definitions.
- Making Judgments.
- Logical Problems.
- Statement and Conclusion
- Theme Detection.
- Cause and Effect.
- Statement and Argument.
- Logical Deduction.
- JK Police Constable Syllabus - Analytical Aptitude & Ability
- Pipes and Cisterns.
- Partnership.
- Problems on L.C.M and H.C.F.
- Compound Interest.
- Numbers and Ages.
- Probability.
- Problems on Trains.
- Averages.
- Percentages.
- Volume and Surface Area,
- Races and Games.
- Quadratic Equations.
- Ratio and Proportion.
- Odd Man Out.
- Mixture and allegation Stocks and shares,
- Computation of Whole Numbers.
- Square Roots.
- Mixture and Allegations.
- Partnership Business.
- Time and Distance.
- Decimals and Fractions.
- Relationships between Numbers.
- Percentages.
- Interest.
- Discount.
- Simple Equations.
- Boats and Streams.
- Profit and Loss.
- Indices and Surds.
- Boats and Streams.
- Problems on Numbers.
- Odd Man Out.
- Compound Interest.
- Mixtures and Allegations.
- Numbers and Ages.
- Problems on L.C.M and H.C.F.
- Problems on Trains.
- Areas.
- Volumes.
- Races and Games.
- Averages.
- Mensuration.
- Permutations and Combinations.
- Bar & Graphs,
- Line charts, Tables
- Simple Interest.
- Time and Work Partnership.
- Simplification and Approximation
- JK Police Constable Syllabus - General Mathematics
- Averages
- Compound Interest.
- Percentages
- Time and Work.
- Profit and Loss.
- Decimal & Fractions.
- Ratio and Proportions.
- Data Interpretation.
- Number System.
- HCF & LCM.
- Simplifications
- Simple Interest.
- Time and Distance.
- Problems on Ages.
- Mixtures & Allegations.