SFURTI is a Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries .
Ministry of MSME has launched this scheme in the year 2005 with the view to promote Cluster development. KVIC is the nodal Agency for promotion of Cluster development for Khadi as well as for V.I. products.
As on date, a no. of 76 Clusters have come up as per the scheme and many of these clusters have been completed.
The scheme has been evaluated by Professional Agency and it has rated the programme as successful.
Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises, Govt. of India, has issued Revamped SFURTI Guidelines, vide letter No.4(25)/2012-KVI-I(Part-III) dated 1st August, 2014 for development of clusters under the scheme of Revamped SFURTI programme, which will develop three types of cluster programme.
The Revamped SFURTI Cluster will intensify the sustainability of the programme beyond the project period through creation of Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) or deemed SPV. Further, the revamped guideline has added many new features for all round development of SFURTI clusters.
The objectives of the Scheme are as follows:
i. To organize the traditional industries and artisans into clusters to make
them competitive and provide support for their long term sustainability
and economy of scale;
ii. To provide sustained employment for traditional industry artisans and
rural entrepreneurs;
To enhance marketability of products of such clusters by providing
support for new products, design intervention and improved packaging
and also the improvement of marketing infrastructure;
iv. To equip traditional artisans of the associated clusters with the
improved skills and capabilities through training and exposure visits;
v. To make provision for common facilities and improved tools and
equipment for artisans to promote optimum utilization of infrastructure
vi. To strengthen the cluster governance systems with the active
participation of the stakeholders, so that they are able to gauge the
emerging challenges and opportunities and respond to them in a
coherent manner;
vii. To build up innovated and traditional skills, improved technologies,
advanced processes, market intelligence and new models of public-
private partnerships, so as to gradually replicate similar models of
cluster-based regenerated traditional industries;
viii. To look for setting up of multi-product cluster with integrated value
chain and a strong market driven approach for viability and long term
sustainability of the cluster;
ix. To ensure convergence from the design stage with each activity of the
cluster formation and operations thereof;
x. To identify and understand cluster’s target customers, understand their
needs and aspirations and develop and present product lines to meet
the requirement. Substantial focus should be on the buyer segment that
places a premium on natural, eco-friendly, ethically sourced and the
uniqueness of the Khadi and Village and Industries products;
xi. To develop specific product lines out of the currently offered diversified
basket of heterogeneous products based on the understanding of the
target consumer segment. A brand unification exercise also needs to be
done to maximize the value;
xii. To make a paradigm shift from a supply driven selling model to a market
driven model with the right branding, focus product mix and correct
positioning and right pricing to make the offering holistic and optimal for
each of the focus categories;
xiii. To tap the E-Commerce as a major marketing channel given the
outreach and the growing market penetration of E-Commerce, there is a
need to devise a quick strategy to make its presence felt in the E-Retail
space; and
xiv. To make substantial investment in the area of product design and quality
improvement. There is a need to standardize the quality of inputs and
processes so that the products meet the quality benchmarks. Research
need to be done to develop new textures and finishes to cater to the
prevailing market trends.
The Scheme would cover three types of interventions namely ‘soft
interventions’, ‘hard interventions’ and ‘thematic interventions’.
3.1 Soft Interventions
Soft Interventions under the project would consist of activities such as
i. General awareness, counselling, motivation and trust building;
ii. Skill development and capacity building for the entire value chain
different skills need to be imparted;
iii. Institution development;
iv. Exposure visits;
v. Market promotion initiatives;
vi. Design and product development;
vii. Participation in seminars, workshops and training programmes on
technology up-gradation, etc.
3.2 Hard Interventions
Hard interventions will include creation of following facilities:
i. Multiple facilities for multiple products and packaging wherever
ii. Common facility centres (CFCs);
iii. Raw material banks (RMBs);
iv. Up-gradation of production infrastructure;
v. Tools and technological up-gradation such as charkha up-
gradation, tool-kit distribution, etc.
vi. Warehousing facility;
vii. Training center;
viii. Value addition and processing center/multi-products.
Note: The assistance for raw material bank (RMB) shall be leveraged
with financial institution for enhanced credit.
3.3 Thematic interventions
In addition to the above mentioned hard components and soft
components, the scheme will also support cross-cutting thematic
interventions at the sector level including several clusters in the same
sector with emphasis on both domestic and international markets. These
will primarily include:
i. Brand building and promotion campaign;
ii. New media marketing;
iii. e-Commerce initiatives;
iv. Innovation;
v. Research & development initiatives; and
vi. Developing institutional linkages with the existing & proposed
Note: These interventions are illustrative in nature and the project may cover
any of the other felt needs of the cluster (as detailed in the DPR and approved
by SSC), that will enable the cluster enterprises in improving their
Given the challenges and wide geographical coverage of the Scheme, an
efficient scheme management structure and delivery mechanism has been
4.1 Scheme Steering Committee (SSC)
The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) will be the
coordinating Ministry providing overall policy, coordination and management
support to the Scheme. A Scheme Steering Committee (SSC) will be constituted
under the chairpersonship of Secretary (MSME), as detailed in Annexure-2.
The SSC may co-opt representatives of industry associations, R&D institutions
and other private sector expert organizations as members/ special invitees,
depending on functional needs. The SSC will consider the proposals of clusters
and the Implementing Agencies (IAs) submitted by Nodal Agencies (NAs) and
shall extend approval to the cluster proposals. The cluster proposals will
include the details of Technical agency (TA) and Implementing Agencies (IAs)
submitted by Nodal Agencies (NAs). The SSC may make intra-sectoral
adjustments of activities and corresponding funds without affecting the basic
objectives and thrust of the Scheme.
4.2 Nodal Agencies (NAs)
The scheme will have Nodal Agencies (NAs) which are national level
institutions with sectoral expertise in the major sub-sectors of the Traditional
4.2.1 Khadi & Village Industries Commission (KVIC) shall be the NA for Khadi
and Village Industry clusters and Coir Board (CB) shall be the NA for Coir based
4.2.2 To spread the outreach and to establish competence in cluster
development, project management and facilitation of market access of the
revamped SFURTI, new Nodal Agencies (NAs) need to be selected and
appointed by the SSC. The selection of NAs shall have to be a reputed national,
regional level institution with sectoral expertise in the major sub-sectors of the
Traditional Industries, competence in cluster development, project
management and facilitation of market access and who are operating in the
field of cluster development for the last five years. The institutions could be
any of the following:
i). a Society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860;
ii). a Co-operative Society under an appropriate statute;
iii). A Producer Company under section 465(1) of Companies Act, 2013
(18 of 2013);
iv). a Section 8 Company under The Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013); or
v). a Trust.
Such NA will be assigned clusters which are not assigned to KVIC, Coir Board or
4.2.4 Submission of Proposals under the scheme for setting up of cluster:
Proposals for setting up of clusters under the scheme shall be submitted
online to any of the Nodal Agencies listed under the scheme (para-4.2.1 & 4.2.3).
(Till such time online portal is activated, proposals in physical form may be sent to
any of the Nodal Agencies.)
Proposals from Nodal Agencies for SSC may be sent in physical form to the Ministry
till suitable online application software is developed/activated for this purpose.
4.2.5 Guidelines for appointment of new Nodal Agency (NA):
A. Submission of Proposals
Proposal for appointment of new Nodal Agency (NA) (one hard copy and
one soft copy) in the prescribed proforma as in Annexure-3 as required along
with necessary enclosures and endorsement from the Head of the
Institution/Agency/Trust/Company desirous of being empanelled as Nodal
Agency for anchoring Cluster development may be sent to the following
The Joint Secretary (ARI Division),
Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises,
Room No.171 Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi-110011.
Telephone (011) 23061543 Telefax: (011) 23062858
E-mail: js.ari@nic.in
B. Appraisal and Approval:
The proposals for engaging the Nodal Agency will be appraised based on
the track record, merit and strategies of the entity in promoting cluster
development. The appraisal will be done by the Scheme Steering Committee,
constituted by the M/oMSME. The SSC shall take a final decision for approval
of designated Nodal Agency. Continuation of support to the NA will be entirely
performance oriented and subject to approval. The performance will be
monitored both at quantitative and qualitative aspects by the Scheme Steering
Committee. In case of significant shortfall in the progress, the support may also
be terminated mid-term with approval of SSC.
C. Terms and Conditions for Grants-in-Aid for new Nodal Agencies:
Terms and Conditions for Grants-in-Aid to Agencies except those funded by
Ministry of MSME or any other Ministry is provided under Annexure-4.
4.2.6 A Project Screening Committee (PSC) shall be constituted under each of
the NAs, chaired by the Chief Executive of the NA for the management and
implementation of the Scheme. Nodal Agencies other than KVIC and Coir
Board shall also constitute a PSC comprising of 3 Cluster Experts (2 from TAs &
1 from IA), representative of bank and marketing & financing experts. [Details
in Annexure-5
4.2.7 Role of the NAs:
The role and responsibility of NAs includes the following:
i. Empanelment & engagement of TAs. NA would duly notify and inform all
concerned stakeholders including the industry, State Governments,
concerned Ministries / organizations of Government of India and
Financial Institutions, about the appointment of TA for implementation of
ii. NA shall extend all support required to TA for implementation of the
scheme as may be required such as obtaining Government Approvals,
Environment Clearances etc. for setting up of Clusters;
iii. Preparation of strategy and implementation plan for sub-sector thematic
iv. Appraisal of DPRs received from TAs based on due-diligence
methodology that clearly establishes the project viability, output,
outcomes, impact and sustainability;
v. NAs to submit DPR to Ministry/SSC for approval only after ensuring the
a. Preparation of DPR as per the standard template as provided under the
scheme with specific details of interventions with cost estimates, timelines etc.
b. Identification of IA and formation of project specific SPV as per provision of
the guidelines.
c. Execution of shareholders agreement and other related agreements between
the IA and the members.
d. Arrangement of requisite land for construction of common facilities by the IA in
terms of registered sale or lease deed (long term of 15 years or more) in the
IA’s name.
e. Confirmation on availability of 10%/5% (NER and Hilly areas) IA’s share.
vi. Program fund management including NA shall be responsible to ensure
timely disbursement of funds to the IAs on recommendation of TA to
ensure time bound completion of projects;
vii. Review performance of the TAs;
viii Monitoring and evaluation of the cluster projects being implemented;
ix) NAs are delegated powers to take decisions, under intimation to SSC (within
15 days of their taking decision), with regard to the following:-
a. Change of cost of interventions i.e. SI/ HI. Thematic (allowed only if cost is
equal to or less than the approved cost).
b. Change of TA .
c. Change of Cluster Development Executive (CDE).
d. Change of IA.
e. Change of Plant & Machinery (P&M) within the approved cost.
f. Change of location of cluster within the same District of cluster/ within
participating villages.
x. All NAs including KVIC & Coir Board to release funds directly to the
dedicated account of the IA/SPV;
xi. NAs to take an undertaking from IA at the time of making application that IA
has not availed any financial assistance for the same cluster from any
Central/State Government Agency and it should be made part of the DPR;
xii. Geo-Tagging of all the clusters may be ensured by all NAs. Necessary
provision for CCTV should be provided in all clusters, including existing
clusters; and
xiii. Any other tasks assigned by the SSC.
xiv. All NAs shall have to act diligently to ensure compliance to all Rules and
Regulations, as required, for the proposals at the DPR stage in order to
obtain final approval from the SSC.
4.3 Technical Agency (TA)
4.3.1 Established national-level institutions, with proven expertise in artisanal
and small enterprise cluster development shall be engaged as Technical
Agencies (TAs) to provide close handholding and implementation
support to the SFURTI clusters. The TAs shall provide technical support
to the NAs and the IAs. The responsibilities of the TAs will include
preparation and validation of Cluster Action Plans, conducting training of
the Cluster Development Executives (CDEs) and other officials of the IAs
and NAs, regular monitoring of the cluster on monthly/ quarterly basis
and submit report on quarterly basis, to the respective field office of
Nodal Agencies.
4.3.2 Role of the TAs:
The role and responsibility of TAs includes the following:
i. Sensitization and awareness generation in the clusters about the
ii. Identification of potential IAs;
iii. To identify focus products and product mix for the Cluster for
domestic and export markets. That may also include multi products
in the cluster and creating linkages with other available network of
cluster in the adjoining Primary Cluster within the given budgetary
allocation and as per approval of DPR.
iv. Preparation of comprehensive DPRs for final approval of SSC
containing the following details, namely,- business model for self-
sustenance, skill up-gradation of artisans, acquiring of new skills,
setting up of physical and financial outcome targets for the project,
proposed percentage enhancement of productivity and earnings of
the artisans, brand building, product segmentation, promotion and
advertising through regular publicity modes and participation in
fairs and exhibitions, exploring possible export avenues with clear
targets etc ;
v. Assisting the identified IA in establishment and structuring the
project specific SPV;
vi. Assist the NAs/SSC in examining the proposals for approval;
vii. TA will assist the IA in formulating plans, getting approvals,
obtaining clearances from statutory institutions, identifying suitable
technologies/ equipment for value addition of the products and
will assist the IA in setting up of CFCs after identification of land by
the IA. More than one CFC is also permitted provided demand is
justified for bringing higher productivity in the cluster. TA will assist
IAs in selection of agencies / experts for various services and in
developing suitable operational framework for various
interventions and would also assist in periodic monitoring of the
progress of the projects and disbursement of funds and finally the
TA would formulate a Sustainability Roadmap for the Cluster
detailing the exit strategy for the IA and the plan for business
operations of the cluster beyond the project duration;
viii. TA to put in place a suitable business plan detailing the revenue
model based on appropriate user fee, mechanism to collect it to
enable the SPV to achieve the projected outcomes in terms of
productivity, sales, employment, wages enhancement, overall
income of the Cluster as projected in the DPR;
ix. TA should assist the IA/ SPV in engagement of a Design
House/Designer with appropriate terms of reference and detailed
scope of work for extending appropriate input of design, product
processing, product development and proper packaging in
consultation with NA, IA and other stake holders;
x. To assist the IA/ SPV in engagement of Business Development
Services (BDS) providers, out sourcing/improving tools and
equipment, developing strategies & best practices for credit linkage
as far as possible;
xi. TA would advice IA/CDE for making plans for procurement of raw
materials along with various micro and macro level tools and
machineries and other processes as identified and mentioned under
DPR. Tools/Kits and Charkhas/Implements may also be distributed
among artisans as a part of Cluster Level Intervention as per DPR.
TA should assist the IA in establishing a proper, appropriate and
transparent system duly examined and vetted by the Cluster Level
Committee for distribution of tools/ kits/ charkhas/ implements
among artisans;
xii. TA will draw up a marketing strategy and detailed plan in
consultation with NA and IA in regard to the following:
a) Product development
b) Packaging
c) Product pricing
d) Product positioning and promotion
e) Product mix/ diversification
f) Dealer/Distributor Network under offline marketing
g) Tapping e-commerce for online marketing.
h) Determining supply chain and logistics
i) Ensuring quality of product and standardization
j) Tapping the export potential through appropriate
xiii. Miscellaneous activities that need to be ensured by I.A. shall require
close supervision by TA:
a) Awareness and exposure visit of artisans.
b) Mandatory opening of Bank Account by Artisans under Jan
Dhan Yojana.
c) Health insurance of all the artisans under the cluster as
applicable under KVIC rules (Jana Shree Bima Yojana & Rashtriya
Swasthya Bima Yojana wherever applicable).
d) Enrolling under Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana
(PMJJBY) which will offer a renewable one-year life cover of Rs.2
lakh to all savings bank account holders in the age group of 18-50
years, covering death due to any reason, for a premium of Rs.330
per annum or as applicable.
e) Enrolling under the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana
(PMSBY) which will offer a renewable one-year accidental death-
cum-disability cover of Rs.2 lakh for partial/permanent disability to
all savings bank account holders in the age group of 18-70 years for
a premium of Rs.12 per annum per subscriber or as applicable.
f) Issue of Aadhaar based Identity card to artisans mentioning
the benefits, privileges, rights as well as their specific
responsibilities along with necessary undertakings in regard to the
implementation of the programme.
g) The Atal Pension Yojana (APY) will focus on the unorganized
sector and provide subscribers a fixed minimum pension of
Rs.1,000, Rs.2,000, Rs.3,000, Rs.4,000 or Rs.5,000 per month,
starting at the age of 60 years, depending on the contribution
option exercised on entering at an age between 18 and 40 years.
Pension and similar other financial benefits as applicable to be
provided adhaar linked.
h) Periodic training of Artisans.
i) Self Help Groups (SHGs) members may also be extended to
these general and miscellaneous supports as extended to the
artisans under Cluster Programme.
xiv. TA shall assist IA/SPV in organizing and planning Business
Development Strategies, buyer-seller meet and implementation of
thematic intervention focusing on branding, e-marketing, new
media marketing, innovation, research and development etc. for
smooth running of Clusters.
xv. Assisting the SPV in mobilizing additional funds for the project. This
would involve preparation of proposals under relevant schemes of
the Government apart from tying up loans from the banks.
xvi. TA shall facilitate linkages between the SPV and various other
stakeholders, particularly the Government organizations, buyers
and financial institutions.
xvii. TA will facilitate in the identification of suitable Technical
Consultants in designing appropriate technologies for the cluster
within the allocation ceiling for the respective type of cluster.
xviii. TA will plan out in consultation with NA to frame the training
requirement of artisans and stake holders and grouping their
requirements as per the need of the clusters. Accordingly, the TA
will assist in the identification of training institutions will be done in
defining the courses duration, fees and other necessary
requirement as per the cluster.
xix. Assist the NA for seeking and obtaining approval if any from the
State Governments/UTs before submission of DPR to the SSC for
final approval;
xx. TA shall create appropriate system for online reporting of progress
reports to Nodal Agency and to the Ministry of MSME on monthly
and quarterly basis.
xxi. Any other work assigned from time to time by the NA, Ministry of
MSME, for timely completion of project, any changes in nature of
intervention, any sorts of addition/alternation in the
implementation programme, etc. that may come at any point of
time during the project period should very well be considered by TA
for execution without any additional cost.
xxii. At the end of the Project, TA shall prepare proper documentation
covering the entire activities, preparation of case studies and
photo/video documentation along with an end-project report
articulating the outcomes in terms of productivity and sales. Listing
out the outcomes achieved against the targets fixed at the
beginning of the project will also be done.
xxiii. Formulate an exit strategy for the IA and prepare a sustainability
roadmap for the Cluster with a business plan for the next five years
beyond the project duration.
xxiv. Empanelled TAs are permitted to identify suitable IA.
xxv. TA shall have to act diligently to ensure compliance to all Rules and
Regulations, as required for the proposals at the DPR stage in order to
obtain final approval from the SSC.
4.4. The fee will be paid by the NA to the TA on per cluster basis; the scheme
will encourage a success fee based model, linked to milestones achieved.
4.5 Implementing Agency (IA)
Implementing Agencies (IAs) would be non-Government organizations (NGOs),
institutions of the Central and State Governments and semi-Government
institutions, field functionaries of State and Central Govt., Panchayati Raj
institutions (PRIs), etc. with suitable expertise to undertake cluster
development. One IA will be assigned for only one cluster normally (unless it is
an agency with State-wide coverage). However, in case IA proposes to set up
more clusters, NAs to assess properly IA for its capability to set up additional
cluster(s). The selection of IAs, based on their regional reputation and
experience of working at the grass-roots level, will be done by the Nodal
Agencies (NAs), on the basis of transparent criteria.
Private sector participation shall also be encouraged for the implementation of
the cluster projects. Corporate entities can also take up projects directly by
forming cluster-specific SPVs.
Corporates and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) foundations with
expertise in cluster development will be encouraged to participate as IAs. In
the case where a private sector entity is the IA, it shall contribute at least 50%
of the total project cost excluding the cost of land.
4.6 Formation of SPV
4.6.1 (a) Formation of SPV is mandatory to seek the final approval by IA.
The purpose of SPV will be to develop and sustain the cluster after the project
implementation period is over. A SPV will be formed for each cluster which
may be any of the following entities:
i. a Society registered under Societies (Registration) Act, 1860;
ii. a Co-operative Society under an appropriate statute;
iii. a Producer Company under section 465(1) of Companies Act, 2013 (18
of 2013);
iv. a Section 8 Company under The Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013);
v. a Trust; or
vi. Any other legal entity, with the prior approval of SSC.
(b) A SPV will be formed for each cluster with minimum 33% representation of
artisans in the Governing body/Managing Committee, by whatever name it is
called, except in case of Khadi Institutions (KIs) of KVIC being IA, since Khadi
Institutions (KIs) are already deemed SPV & in KVIC model the role of SPV comes
into play at the time of exit of IA, only.
(c) In case the Panchayati Raj Institutions(PRIs) at the cluster level desires to
be the IA, it can form an SPV ensuring that the cluster micro-
enterprises/beneficiaries hold a minimum 33% of the total equity in the SPV’s
governing body.
(d) In case of private sector promoted SPVs the shareholding of the lead
investor/private partner shall not normally exceed 50% of the total equity.
(e) IA/SPV may deposit their share (10% or 5%, as the case may be) in a phased
manner with minimum 25% amount in a single installment as per the satisfaction of
4.6.2 IA shall appoint a full-time executive, to be located in the cluster, who
will act as the Cluster Development Executive (CDE), and shall be responsible
for implementation of the project as per the approved DPR. The
responsibilities of CDE shall include preparation and implementation of the
Annual Action Plans of the cluster, promoting linkages with professional
institutions as well as local institutions including PRIs.
4.7 Role of IAs:
The role and responsibility of the IAs includes the following:
i. Recruit a full-time CDE in order to ensure efficient implementation of
the project. Selection of CDE must be made from 3 options viz. (i) a
local capable & strongly acceptable CDE from among the beneficiary
group, (ii) grooming of an existing person from the group to become a
good CDE and (iii) an externally recruited CDE. Additional qualification,
experience and expertise to be considered while selection of the CDE in
line with the requirements of the project deliverables.
ii. In case of an external person is chosen as the CDE, a capable local
person may be made the deputy to the CDE so that he is groomed to
take up the responsibility once the regular CDE leaves the cluster after
financial support is stopped.
iii. The IA would identify and arrange suitable land for the project.
iv. Implement various interventions as outlined in the approved DPR;
v. Undertake procurement and appointment of contractors, when
required, in a fair and transparent manner;
vi. The IA will enter into an agreement with the Nodal Agency for timely
completion on cluster intervention and proper utilization of
Government Grants;
vii. Operation & Maintenance (O&M) of assets created under the project
by way of user-fee based model;
viii. Responsible for furnishing Utilization Certificates (UCs) and regular
Progress Reports to Nodal Agency in the prescribed formats.
ix. Implementing Agency (IA) may select suitable empanelled Technical Agency
(TA) to assist them in implementing the cluster project.
x. The IA shall endeavor to increase participation of various other cluster
stakeholders and institutions by forming a Cluster Advisory Group,
preferably headed by the District Magistrate and with representation
from PRIs, traditional industry enterprises, support service institutions,
banks, etc. with the objective of fostering increased level of
involvement of various cluster stakeholders and strengthening the
implementation of the project.
5.1 Web-Based Project Management System (PMS)
5.1.1 In order to effectively manage the scheme of such scale and coverage it
is proposed to set up a dedicated SFURTI website enabled with Project
Management System (PMS) to manage projects on-line from inviting
proposals to screening of applications and concurrent monitoring of
progress till completion. The proposed PMS will have in-built systems for
online application, MIS tracking, monitoring of physical & financial
progress, sharing of reports and other tools for project management.
The system will enable all the associated institutions and stakeholders to
monitor the progress of projects and work collaboratively to ensure
successful implementation of the Scheme. The web-based PMS would
help to address various implementation issues such as time overruns,
inadequate coverage, and other risks & quality issues.
5.1.2 The web platform would also provide the option to the potential Nodal
Agencies to apply and upload their credentials so as to enable the SSC to
take a suitable call to enroll the agency as a Nodal Agency.
5.1.3 The web platform would also have a built in module to screen, sort and
filter the received applications state wise and forward the same to the
State Governments in real time to save any delay in implementation. The
system would also send reminders periodically to the State
Governments till such time the approvals are sought.
5.1.4 All enrolled NAs, TAs would be listed on the web portal so as to provide
the available options to the potential IAs to approach them accordingly.
5.1.5 The system would also act as a web based monitoring system to provide
necessary inputs for any kind of delays and non-processing at any stage
in the entire work flow.
5.2 Identification of tentative list of clusters
i). Nodal Agencies will first draw up a State-wise list of potential clusters
in consultation with Technical Agencies with clear identification of
Implementing Agency who shall be local operative for managing the
cluster and looks after the day-to-day affairs of the cluster.
ii). A market driven approach should be adopted for identification and
structuring of the projects so as to ensure viability and long term
sustainability of the project activities. The Cluster should be so
selected where the products have huge potential market demand and
the Cluster can be developed to scale up activities and produce high
value products for the market.
iii). The SFURTI Clusters should preferably be existing clusters (Brownfield)
and new clusters (Greenfield), should however be carefully selected
after a thorough study of the cluster dynamics and potentiality of the
iv). In addition to Khadi, the Clusters should cover traditional rural
industries and village industries which should be in conformity with
the KVI Act and norms.
v). The SFURTI project should aim to adopt the Growth Pole concept for
triggering growth of the traditional village industries. A cluster of
clusters approach must be adopted for the project to create cascading
positive externalities with the scope of extension of the activities in a
larger contiguous area.
vi). Multi-product Clusters must be promoted, particularly in the case of
Major Clusters for greater project coverage and economic viability/
sustainability of the cluster. Products which are complimentary to
each other need to be selected for Multiproduct Clusters.
vii). The Clusters and the activities must have a critical mass, for ensuring
economies of scale. Projects under SFURTI should be integrated value
chain based and the project should be structured with interventions to
address the gaps along the entire value chain.
viii). End to End product clusters will enhance viability of the clusters. The
project must ensure that substantial value addition takes place at the
village/Cluster level for greater value capture and higher unit value
ix). It must be ensured that as far as possible the entire value addition
should be done at the cluster itself, so that maximum realization is
x). The project design and structure should specifically provide a plan for
sustainability of the project activities, especially beyond the project
period along with exit plan.
xi). The project must be so structured such as to promote optimum
utilization of infrastructure facilities through a range of activities. In
case of multi-product Clusters, the possibility of setting up specialized
CFCs for each product line, closer to the raw material base, could also
be explored.
xii). The project should allow involved and active participation of all
members of the Cluster. NER projects should focus on the challenges
in the region and came out with solution for these.
xiii). All NAs may advertise through both Electronic and Print media, giving wide
publicity to the Scheme on regular basis for identification of potential
5.3 Engagement and appointment of TAs
As a large number of clusters located in various parts of the country, need to
be covered under the program in a time-bound manner; it is required to
empanel as many technically competent cluster development organizations as
possible, as a pool of Technical Agencies (TAs) to assist in the implementation
of the projects.
5.3.1 An Expression of Interest (EoI) will be published by the NA in leading
national newspapers requesting for proposals. The TAs will be shortlisted by
NA based on technical evaluation of their proposals, mostly in terms of-
i. Net worth of the organization;
ii. Organizational experience in implementing projects of similar nature
specially artisans and micro-enterprise based developmental initiatives;
iii. Competence of personnel and team;
iv. Geographical presence; and
v. Any other parameter as deemed fit by the NA/SSC.
Based on the above criteria, TAs would be appointed and assigned to specific
clusters. Any other eligible institution may approach the Ministry of MSME or
any of the Nodal Agencies for enrolment as a TA and the SSC shall be the final
authority for due approval of the proposal for appointing any institution with
eligibility and competence. It may be noted that TAs will be grouped at the
cluster level whereby a single TA can be assigned to multiple clusters, not
exceeding 50 clusters per TA.
5.4 Approval from SSC
The SSC shall be responsible for approval of the projects and monitoring of
their implementation. There would be only one stage approval at Ministry/SSC
The project will be accorded approval by the SSC subject to fulfilment of the
following conditions:
i. Preparation of DPR as per the standard template as provided under the
scheme with specific details of interventions with cost estimates, timelines and
sustainability plan.
ii. Identification of IA and formation of project specific SPV as per provision of the
iii. Execution of shareholders agreement and other related agreements between
the IA and the members; and
iv. Arrangement of requisite land for construction of common facilities by the IA in
terms of registered sale or lease deed (long term of 15 years or more) in the
IA’s name.
v. Confirmation on availability of 10%/5% (NER and Hilly areas) IA’s share as per
the guidelines.
5.5 Release of Funds to NA
i) The cost of project shall include hard interventions and soft interventions.
The project cost shall also include the cost of services of a professional TA and
costs incurred by the IA for engaging a competent CDE and other
administrative expenses incurred by the TA, which needs to be paid by the
Nodal Agency.
ii) Proposal for release of funds will be submitted by NAs cluster-wise to
Ministry of MSME. The release of funds to NAs will be based on approved Plan
of Action (PoA) and progress of expenditure.
iii) The funds will be released to the NAs on receipt of UC and Progress Report,
and the NAs shall in turn, release the fund to the cluster as per the approved
Cluster/ Annual Action Plan.
iv) Funds to NA will be disbursed under two heads:
i. SFURTI Programme Fund
ii. SFURTI Administrative Fund
v) The NA shall maintain two separate accounts for each of the above
mentioned heads and will be subject to audit. All expenses relating to
monitoring and management of the Scheme and national level activities will be
met out of SFURTI Administrative Fund and rest from SFURTI Programme Fund.
5.5.1 Quantum of Fund Release: Consequent upon the approval of the project
by the Scheme Steering Committee (SSC), 50% of the Soft Intervention, 50% of
the Hard Intervention, 50% of the IA cost and 50% of the TA cost shall be
released to the Nodal Agency. On production of Utilization Certificate and
actual utilization of 2/3rd of the released amount, remaining 50% of the Soft
Intervention, 50% of the Hard Intervention, 50% of the IA cost and 50% of the
TA cost shall be released to the Nodal Agency.
5.6 Release of Funds to IA
On obtaining final approval, a sanction order will be issued by NA and 1st
installment for the hard intervention will be released by NA in the dedicated
bank account opened in the name of the IA. Whereas release of fund by NA to
IAs for soft-intervention shall be need-based and a part component of the
same is released to the IA after in-principle-approval of the SSC, the following
schedule will be adopted for release of scheme funds for hard interventions:
i. 1
st instalment of 50% of the hard intervention as advance on IA
arranging land;
ii. 2
nd instalment of another 50% on utilization of 2/3 of 1stinstalment; and
6.1 The cost of project shall include hard interventions and soft
interventions detailed in Paragraph 3. The project cost shall also include the
cost of services of a professional TA and costs incurred by the IA for engaging a
competent CDE and other administrative expenses incurred by the TA.
6.2 The financial assistance provided for any specific project shall be subject
to a maximum of Rs.5 (Five) crore.
Type of clusters Per Cluster Budget Limit
Regular Clusters (upto 500 artisans)* Rs.2.50 crore
Major Clusters (more than 500 artisans) Rs.5.00 crore
* Clusters with lesser number of artisans/workers etc. can also be
proposed by NAs but number of artisans/workers etc. should not be less
than 100 (50 for NER & Hilly areas) In such cases, proportionate
GIA(Grants-in-aid) may be considered by SSC while granting approval.
Project Duration
The timeframe for the implementation of project will be 12-18 months. The
DPR would provide quarter-wise phasing of the interventions and
requirements of funds.
9.1 Substantial investments are being made for strengthening of rural
clusters and the livelihood base of the poor. In order to optimise the efforts
and maximise impact & sustainability, it is imperative to ensure convergence
and bring in synergies between different private initiatives and government
schemes in terms of planning, process and implementation. The Scheme
envisages leveraging resources from the following sources:
i. Private sector participation: The scheme shall encourage participation of
private sector retailers with proven track records and established retail
networks. Retailers specializing in products sourced from khadi &village
industries, coir & other industries may participate as Implementing
Agency or Technical Agency. In cases where private sector agency is the
implementing agency, the private partner shall contribute at least 50%
of the project cost excluding the cost of land.
ii. Corporate Social Responsibility: The corporate of public and private
sector can participate in the SFURTI program by way of providing
additional financial support and professional operations & management
support to the projects funded under the Scheme as part of their CSR.
Such CSR foundations with proven track record and capability of
managing MSME cluster projects, can participate either as IA or TA.
iii. Participation by Private Equity (PE)/Impact Funds: To leverage the
increasing trend of financial institutions floating funds to support
clusters that are in nature of social investments, such funds will be
encouraged to participate in the SPVs, subject to the condition that their
shareholding shall not exceed 50% of the total equity. In case of debt
support, patient capital with extended moratorium, low rate of interest
and flexible repayment options shall be considered.
iv. Other schemes of State and Central Government: IAs will be encouraged
to dovetail funds from other various state and central government
schemes over and above the funds sanctioned for SFURTI scheme,
provided that there is no duplication of a specific project component
being funded from one source.
v. Funds from Multi-lateral Development Banks (MDBs): It is envisaged that
the funding from the scheme will leveraged to secure additional financial
assistance from the MDBs to ensure sustainability and competitiveness
of the clusters.
9.2 The participation of stake holders as illustrated above is indicative. Any
such participation or support needs to be detailed out in the DPR and is subject
to approval from the SSC.
9.3 TAs and NAs must therefore ensure that convergence is built into
implementation framework right from the stage of project design. For
example, the banks and RSETI expressed the need to involve them at the stage
of DSRs and Action Plan formulation. Convergence with private sector buyers
in the value chain and other key stakeholders must be built into project design.
Funding from public and private agencies should also be ensured at early
stage. In order to ensure convergence, linkages should also be made through
reporting to SLBC and District committees chaired by the Collector.
10.1 Working Committee to look after CFC: To ensure that the facilities and
infrastructure created with grants under SFURTI are sustainably managed to
the advantage of artisans for improved production and marketing, IA will
constitute a Working Committee for each cluster comprising the following:
i. Chief functionary of the IA – Convener;
ii. Representative of a Nationalized bank operating in the area;
iii. 3 artisans nominated by the IA (including at least one woman) on
annual rotation basis, re-nomination may not be allowed in five
iv. Representative of the NA; and
v. GM, DIC or his representative.
The Working Committee will meet at least once in a month to review the
operational and maintenance aspects of the CFC and decide about the user
charges. The SPV will open and maintain a corpus fund for maintenance of the
CFC. The user charges will go to the corpus. The SPV on the basis of
recommendation of Working Committee may incur expenditure towards
maintenance/ augmentation of the CFC.
10.2 Access to credit: The IA will arrange the credit requirements including
working capital for activities within the cluster. They may also extend credit to
individual groups in the form of supplying raw materials on credit, etc., if
required. The credit will be arranged at best possible cost preferably from the
nearest available source.
10.3 Business Plan for the cluster: The TA in consultation with the IA will
prepare a Business Plan for the cluster as a going concern, taking into account
relevant facts and after conducting appropriate market survey as may be
considered necessary by IA within the first two years of implementation of
SFURTI in the cluster.
i. An intimation for setting up of cluster to be given to the concerned department
of the State Govt. with a request to provide inputs, if any, in 15 days and in
case no comments are received, it will be considered that they have no
objection to the proposal.
ii. Assist in identification and procurement of suitable land for the projects
wherever required, in order to set up cluster infrastructure;
iii. Providing all the requisite clearances wherever needed for setting up
cluster and providing necessary assistance for power, water and other
utilities to the cluster;
iv. Providing necessary external infrastructure to the projects such as
power, water supply, roads, effluent disposal etc, wherever needed;
v. The State Government agencies like infrastructure/ industrial
development corporations may also participate in the projects by way of
subscribing to the equity of SPV or by providing Grants;
vi. Providing necessary project related clearances on a priority basis;
vii. Dovetailing assistance available under related schemes for overall
effectiveness and viability of the projects; and
viii. Extending incentives available under related industrial promotional
ix. The State Governments/UTs may conduct surveys and map and identify
potential sites and products for clusterisation under SFURTI and
accordingly seek the intervention of M/o MSME to set up SFURTI
clusters in those sites and consisting of the specified
x. State Govts. may also send such proposals (DPR) to M/o MSME through
any of the NAs mentioned in para 4.2 of these Guidelines. However,
wherever such proposals are received directly in the Ministry of MSME
[The Joint Secretary (ARI Division), Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium
Enterprises, Room No.171, Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi-
110011.Telephone: (011) 23061543 Telefax: (011) 23062858E-mail:
js.ari@nic.in], first a Nodal Agency will be allocated by the Ministry. A
Detailed Project Report (DPR) shall be prepared through a Technical
Agency and submitted to the SSC for consideration.
12.1 IA shall ensure that the services of the facilities created under the
Scheme are extended to the cluster in general, in addition to the member
12.2 IA shall be responsible for O&M of assets created under the Scheme
beyond the project duration. IA shall ensure that the users of these facilities
pay for the services rendered, for the maintenance of the assets.
12.3 In case of dissolution of IA/SPV within 10 years from the date of sanction
of assistance by the Government under the Scheme, the assets created with
such assistance shall be vested with the Government. The Memorandum of
Association & Articles of Association of the SPV shall incorporate this condition.
In case of deemed SPVs, the IA will furnish and undertaking to this effect.
13.1 The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) will
periodically review the progress of the projects under the scheme. The Nodal
Agency shall be responsible for obtaining Quarterly Progress Reports and
Annual Progress Report showing physical and financial progress from the
clusters and forward it to the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
(MSME) on a regular basis.
13.2 Periodic review by Nodal Agency: The NAs assisted by TAs will devise a
suitable monitoring framework duly approved by the SSC. In addition to the
quarterly progress reports indicating cluster-wise physical and financial
progress, the NAs will also track the progress through video-conferencing and
other ICT tools.
13.3 Evaluation of the Scheme: It is envisaged to take-up third party mid-
term evaluation of the projects to determine the deficiencies and take-up mid-
course corrective measures. Impact assessment studies will also be undertaken
at end of the project both at the cluster-level and the program-level to validate
the outcomes achieved.
13.4 Encouragements through Awards: All NAs may send proposals in this
regard to the M/o MSME. Suitable mechanism will be ensured – including
third party, evaluation for awards etc.
Notwithstanding anything contained above, Central Government may issue
such instructions as may be necessary to implement the above guidelines. If
any difficulty or ambiguity arises in giving effect to these provisions, Central
Government may issue appropriate directions which shall be binding on NAs,
TAs and IAs.
14.1 In so far as interpretation of any of the provisions of these guidelines,
the decision of the Scheme Steering Committee (SSC) shall be final.
SFURTI Scheme Guidelines
SFURTI is a Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries .
Ministry of MSME has launched this scheme in the year 2005 with the view to promote Cluster development. KVIC is the nodal Agency for promotion of Cluster development for Khadi as well as for V.I. products.
As on date, a no. of 76 Clusters have come up as per the scheme and many of these clusters have been completed.
The scheme has been evaluated by Professional Agency and it has rated the programme as successful.
Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises, Govt. of India, has issued Revamped SFURTI Guidelines, vide letter No.4(25)/2012-KVI-I(Part-III) dated 1st August, 2014 for development of clusters under the scheme of Revamped SFURTI programme, which will develop three types of cluster programme.
The Revamped SFURTI Cluster will intensify the sustainability of the programme beyond the project period through creation of Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) or deemed SPV. Further, the revamped guideline has added many new features for all round development of SFURTI clusters.
The objectives of the Scheme are as follows:
i. To organize the traditional industries and artisans into clusters to make
them competitive and provide support for their long term sustainability
and economy of scale;
ii. To provide sustained employment for traditional industry artisans and
rural entrepreneurs;
To enhance marketability of products of such clusters by providing
support for new products, design intervention and improved packaging
and also the improvement of marketing infrastructure;
iv. To equip traditional artisans of the associated clusters with the
improved skills and capabilities through training and exposure visits;
v. To make provision for common facilities and improved tools and
equipment for artisans to promote optimum utilization of infrastructure
vi. To strengthen the cluster governance systems with the active
participation of the stakeholders, so that they are able to gauge the
emerging challenges and opportunities and respond to them in a
coherent manner;
vii. To build up innovated and traditional skills, improved technologies,
advanced processes, market intelligence and new models of public-
private partnerships, so as to gradually replicate similar models of
cluster-based regenerated traditional industries;
viii. To look for setting up of multi-product cluster with integrated value
chain and a strong market driven approach for viability and long term
sustainability of the cluster;
ix. To ensure convergence from the design stage with each activity of the
cluster formation and operations thereof;
x. To identify and understand cluster’s target customers, understand their
needs and aspirations and develop and present product lines to meet
the requirement. Substantial focus should be on the buyer segment that
places a premium on natural, eco-friendly, ethically sourced and the
uniqueness of the Khadi and Village and Industries products;
xi. To develop specific product lines out of the currently offered diversified
basket of heterogeneous products based on the understanding of the
target consumer segment. A brand unification exercise also needs to be
done to maximize the value;
xii. To make a paradigm shift from a supply driven selling model to a market
driven model with the right branding, focus product mix and correct
positioning and right pricing to make the offering holistic and optimal for
each of the focus categories;
xiii. To tap the E-Commerce as a major marketing channel given the
outreach and the growing market penetration of E-Commerce, there is a
need to devise a quick strategy to make its presence felt in the E-Retail
space; and
xiv. To make substantial investment in the area of product design and quality
improvement. There is a need to standardize the quality of inputs and
processes so that the products meet the quality benchmarks. Research
need to be done to develop new textures and finishes to cater to the
prevailing market trends.
The Scheme would cover three types of interventions namely ‘soft
interventions’, ‘hard interventions’ and ‘thematic interventions’.
3.1 Soft Interventions
Soft Interventions under the project would consist of activities such as
i. General awareness, counselling, motivation and trust building;
ii. Skill development and capacity building for the entire value chain
different skills need to be imparted;
iii. Institution development;
iv. Exposure visits;
v. Market promotion initiatives;
vi. Design and product development;
vii. Participation in seminars, workshops and training programmes on
technology up-gradation, etc.
3.2 Hard Interventions
Hard interventions will include creation of following facilities:
i. Multiple facilities for multiple products and packaging wherever
ii. Common facility centres (CFCs);
iii. Raw material banks (RMBs);
iv. Up-gradation of production infrastructure;
v. Tools and technological up-gradation such as charkha up-
gradation, tool-kit distribution, etc.
vi. Warehousing facility;
vii. Training center;
viii. Value addition and processing center/multi-products.
Note: The assistance for raw material bank (RMB) shall be leveraged
with financial institution for enhanced credit.
3.3 Thematic interventions
In addition to the above mentioned hard components and soft
components, the scheme will also support cross-cutting thematic
interventions at the sector level including several clusters in the same
sector with emphasis on both domestic and international markets. These
will primarily include:
i. Brand building and promotion campaign;
ii. New media marketing;
iii. e-Commerce initiatives;
iv. Innovation;
v. Research & development initiatives; and
vi. Developing institutional linkages with the existing & proposed
Note: These interventions are illustrative in nature and the project may cover
any of the other felt needs of the cluster (as detailed in the DPR and approved
by SSC), that will enable the cluster enterprises in improving their
Given the challenges and wide geographical coverage of the Scheme, an
efficient scheme management structure and delivery mechanism has been
4.1 Scheme Steering Committee (SSC)
The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) will be the
coordinating Ministry providing overall policy, coordination and management
support to the Scheme. A Scheme Steering Committee (SSC) will be constituted
under the chairpersonship of Secretary (MSME), as detailed in Annexure-2.
The SSC may co-opt representatives of industry associations, R&D institutions
and other private sector expert organizations as members/ special invitees,
depending on functional needs. The SSC will consider the proposals of clusters
and the Implementing Agencies (IAs) submitted by Nodal Agencies (NAs) and
shall extend approval to the cluster proposals. The cluster proposals will
include the details of Technical agency (TA) and Implementing Agencies (IAs)
submitted by Nodal Agencies (NAs). The SSC may make intra-sectoral
adjustments of activities and corresponding funds without affecting the basic
objectives and thrust of the Scheme.
4.2 Nodal Agencies (NAs)
The scheme will have Nodal Agencies (NAs) which are national level
institutions with sectoral expertise in the major sub-sectors of the Traditional
4.2.1 Khadi & Village Industries Commission (KVIC) shall be the NA for Khadi
and Village Industry clusters and Coir Board (CB) shall be the NA for Coir based
4.2.2 To spread the outreach and to establish competence in cluster
development, project management and facilitation of market access of the
revamped SFURTI, new Nodal Agencies (NAs) need to be selected and
appointed by the SSC. The selection of NAs shall have to be a reputed national,
regional level institution with sectoral expertise in the major sub-sectors of the
Traditional Industries, competence in cluster development, project
management and facilitation of market access and who are operating in the
field of cluster development for the last five years. The institutions could be
any of the following:
i). a Society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860;
ii). a Co-operative Society under an appropriate statute;
iii). A Producer Company under section 465(1) of Companies Act, 2013
(18 of 2013);
iv). a Section 8 Company under The Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013); or
v). a Trust.
Such NA will be assigned clusters which are not assigned to KVIC, Coir Board or
4.2.4 Submission of Proposals under the scheme for setting up of cluster:
Proposals for setting up of clusters under the scheme shall be submitted
online to any of the Nodal Agencies listed under the scheme (para-4.2.1 & 4.2.3).
(Till such time online portal is activated, proposals in physical form may be sent to
any of the Nodal Agencies.)
Proposals from Nodal Agencies for SSC may be sent in physical form to the Ministry
till suitable online application software is developed/activated for this purpose.
4.2.5 Guidelines for appointment of new Nodal Agency (NA):
A. Submission of Proposals
Proposal for appointment of new Nodal Agency (NA) (one hard copy and
one soft copy) in the prescribed proforma as in Annexure-3 as required along
with necessary enclosures and endorsement from the Head of the
Institution/Agency/Trust/Company desirous of being empanelled as Nodal
Agency for anchoring Cluster development may be sent to the following
The Joint Secretary (ARI Division),
Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises,
Room No.171 Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi-110011.
Telephone (011) 23061543 Telefax: (011) 23062858
E-mail: js.ari@nic.in
B. Appraisal and Approval:
The proposals for engaging the Nodal Agency will be appraised based on
the track record, merit and strategies of the entity in promoting cluster
development. The appraisal will be done by the Scheme Steering Committee,
constituted by the M/oMSME. The SSC shall take a final decision for approval
of designated Nodal Agency. Continuation of support to the NA will be entirely
performance oriented and subject to approval. The performance will be
monitored both at quantitative and qualitative aspects by the Scheme Steering
Committee. In case of significant shortfall in the progress, the support may also
be terminated mid-term with approval of SSC.
C. Terms and Conditions for Grants-in-Aid for new Nodal Agencies:
Terms and Conditions for Grants-in-Aid to Agencies except those funded by
Ministry of MSME or any other Ministry is provided under Annexure-4.
4.2.6 A Project Screening Committee (PSC) shall be constituted under each of
the NAs, chaired by the Chief Executive of the NA for the management and
implementation of the Scheme. Nodal Agencies other than KVIC and Coir
Board shall also constitute a PSC comprising of 3 Cluster Experts (2 from TAs &
1 from IA), representative of bank and marketing & financing experts. [Details
in Annexure-5
4.2.7 Role of the NAs:
The role and responsibility of NAs includes the following:
i. Empanelment & engagement of TAs. NA would duly notify and inform all
concerned stakeholders including the industry, State Governments,
concerned Ministries / organizations of Government of India and
Financial Institutions, about the appointment of TA for implementation of
ii. NA shall extend all support required to TA for implementation of the
scheme as may be required such as obtaining Government Approvals,
Environment Clearances etc. for setting up of Clusters;
iii. Preparation of strategy and implementation plan for sub-sector thematic
iv. Appraisal of DPRs received from TAs based on due-diligence
methodology that clearly establishes the project viability, output,
outcomes, impact and sustainability;
v. NAs to submit DPR to Ministry/SSC for approval only after ensuring the
a. Preparation of DPR as per the standard template as provided under the
scheme with specific details of interventions with cost estimates, timelines etc.
b. Identification of IA and formation of project specific SPV as per provision of
the guidelines.
c. Execution of shareholders agreement and other related agreements between
the IA and the members.
d. Arrangement of requisite land for construction of common facilities by the IA in
terms of registered sale or lease deed (long term of 15 years or more) in the
IA’s name.
e. Confirmation on availability of 10%/5% (NER and Hilly areas) IA’s share.
vi. Program fund management including NA shall be responsible to ensure
timely disbursement of funds to the IAs on recommendation of TA to
ensure time bound completion of projects;
vii. Review performance of the TAs;
viii Monitoring and evaluation of the cluster projects being implemented;
ix) NAs are delegated powers to take decisions, under intimation to SSC (within
15 days of their taking decision), with regard to the following:-
a. Change of cost of interventions i.e. SI/ HI. Thematic (allowed only if cost is
equal to or less than the approved cost).
b. Change of TA .
c. Change of Cluster Development Executive (CDE).
d. Change of IA.
e. Change of Plant & Machinery (P&M) within the approved cost.
f. Change of location of cluster within the same District of cluster/ within
participating villages.
x. All NAs including KVIC & Coir Board to release funds directly to the
dedicated account of the IA/SPV;
xi. NAs to take an undertaking from IA at the time of making application that IA
has not availed any financial assistance for the same cluster from any
Central/State Government Agency and it should be made part of the DPR;
xii. Geo-Tagging of all the clusters may be ensured by all NAs. Necessary
provision for CCTV should be provided in all clusters, including existing
clusters; and
xiii. Any other tasks assigned by the SSC.
xiv. All NAs shall have to act diligently to ensure compliance to all Rules and
Regulations, as required, for the proposals at the DPR stage in order to
obtain final approval from the SSC.
4.3 Technical Agency (TA)
4.3.1 Established national-level institutions, with proven expertise in artisanal
and small enterprise cluster development shall be engaged as Technical
Agencies (TAs) to provide close handholding and implementation
support to the SFURTI clusters. The TAs shall provide technical support
to the NAs and the IAs. The responsibilities of the TAs will include
preparation and validation of Cluster Action Plans, conducting training of
the Cluster Development Executives (CDEs) and other officials of the IAs
and NAs, regular monitoring of the cluster on monthly/ quarterly basis
and submit report on quarterly basis, to the respective field office of
Nodal Agencies.
4.3.2 Role of the TAs:
The role and responsibility of TAs includes the following:
i. Sensitization and awareness generation in the clusters about the
ii. Identification of potential IAs;
iii. To identify focus products and product mix for the Cluster for
domestic and export markets. That may also include multi products
in the cluster and creating linkages with other available network of
cluster in the adjoining Primary Cluster within the given budgetary
allocation and as per approval of DPR.
iv. Preparation of comprehensive DPRs for final approval of SSC
containing the following details, namely,- business model for self-
sustenance, skill up-gradation of artisans, acquiring of new skills,
setting up of physical and financial outcome targets for the project,
proposed percentage enhancement of productivity and earnings of
the artisans, brand building, product segmentation, promotion and
advertising through regular publicity modes and participation in
fairs and exhibitions, exploring possible export avenues with clear
targets etc ;
v. Assisting the identified IA in establishment and structuring the
project specific SPV;
vi. Assist the NAs/SSC in examining the proposals for approval;
vii. TA will assist the IA in formulating plans, getting approvals,
obtaining clearances from statutory institutions, identifying suitable
technologies/ equipment for value addition of the products and
will assist the IA in setting up of CFCs after identification of land by
the IA. More than one CFC is also permitted provided demand is
justified for bringing higher productivity in the cluster. TA will assist
IAs in selection of agencies / experts for various services and in
developing suitable operational framework for various
interventions and would also assist in periodic monitoring of the
progress of the projects and disbursement of funds and finally the
TA would formulate a Sustainability Roadmap for the Cluster
detailing the exit strategy for the IA and the plan for business
operations of the cluster beyond the project duration;
viii. TA to put in place a suitable business plan detailing the revenue
model based on appropriate user fee, mechanism to collect it to
enable the SPV to achieve the projected outcomes in terms of
productivity, sales, employment, wages enhancement, overall
income of the Cluster as projected in the DPR;
ix. TA should assist the IA/ SPV in engagement of a Design
House/Designer with appropriate terms of reference and detailed
scope of work for extending appropriate input of design, product
processing, product development and proper packaging in
consultation with NA, IA and other stake holders;
x. To assist the IA/ SPV in engagement of Business Development
Services (BDS) providers, out sourcing/improving tools and
equipment, developing strategies & best practices for credit linkage
as far as possible;
xi. TA would advice IA/CDE for making plans for procurement of raw
materials along with various micro and macro level tools and
machineries and other processes as identified and mentioned under
DPR. Tools/Kits and Charkhas/Implements may also be distributed
among artisans as a part of Cluster Level Intervention as per DPR.
TA should assist the IA in establishing a proper, appropriate and
transparent system duly examined and vetted by the Cluster Level
Committee for distribution of tools/ kits/ charkhas/ implements
among artisans;
xii. TA will draw up a marketing strategy and detailed plan in
consultation with NA and IA in regard to the following:
a) Product development
b) Packaging
c) Product pricing
d) Product positioning and promotion
e) Product mix/ diversification
f) Dealer/Distributor Network under offline marketing
g) Tapping e-commerce for online marketing.
h) Determining supply chain and logistics
i) Ensuring quality of product and standardization
j) Tapping the export potential through appropriate
xiii. Miscellaneous activities that need to be ensured by I.A. shall require
close supervision by TA:
a) Awareness and exposure visit of artisans.
b) Mandatory opening of Bank Account by Artisans under Jan
Dhan Yojana.
c) Health insurance of all the artisans under the cluster as
applicable under KVIC rules (Jana Shree Bima Yojana & Rashtriya
Swasthya Bima Yojana wherever applicable).
d) Enrolling under Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana
(PMJJBY) which will offer a renewable one-year life cover of Rs.2
lakh to all savings bank account holders in the age group of 18-50
years, covering death due to any reason, for a premium of Rs.330
per annum or as applicable.
e) Enrolling under the Pradhan Mantri Suraksha Bima Yojana
(PMSBY) which will offer a renewable one-year accidental death-
cum-disability cover of Rs.2 lakh for partial/permanent disability to
all savings bank account holders in the age group of 18-70 years for
a premium of Rs.12 per annum per subscriber or as applicable.
f) Issue of Aadhaar based Identity card to artisans mentioning
the benefits, privileges, rights as well as their specific
responsibilities along with necessary undertakings in regard to the
implementation of the programme.
g) The Atal Pension Yojana (APY) will focus on the unorganized
sector and provide subscribers a fixed minimum pension of
Rs.1,000, Rs.2,000, Rs.3,000, Rs.4,000 or Rs.5,000 per month,
starting at the age of 60 years, depending on the contribution
option exercised on entering at an age between 18 and 40 years.
Pension and similar other financial benefits as applicable to be
provided adhaar linked.
h) Periodic training of Artisans.
i) Self Help Groups (SHGs) members may also be extended to
these general and miscellaneous supports as extended to the
artisans under Cluster Programme.
xiv. TA shall assist IA/SPV in organizing and planning Business
Development Strategies, buyer-seller meet and implementation of
thematic intervention focusing on branding, e-marketing, new
media marketing, innovation, research and development etc. for
smooth running of Clusters.
xv. Assisting the SPV in mobilizing additional funds for the project. This
would involve preparation of proposals under relevant schemes of
the Government apart from tying up loans from the banks.
xvi. TA shall facilitate linkages between the SPV and various other
stakeholders, particularly the Government organizations, buyers
and financial institutions.
xvii. TA will facilitate in the identification of suitable Technical
Consultants in designing appropriate technologies for the cluster
within the allocation ceiling for the respective type of cluster.
xviii. TA will plan out in consultation with NA to frame the training
requirement of artisans and stake holders and grouping their
requirements as per the need of the clusters. Accordingly, the TA
will assist in the identification of training institutions will be done in
defining the courses duration, fees and other necessary
requirement as per the cluster.
xix. Assist the NA for seeking and obtaining approval if any from the
State Governments/UTs before submission of DPR to the SSC for
final approval;
xx. TA shall create appropriate system for online reporting of progress
reports to Nodal Agency and to the Ministry of MSME on monthly
and quarterly basis.
xxi. Any other work assigned from time to time by the NA, Ministry of
MSME, for timely completion of project, any changes in nature of
intervention, any sorts of addition/alternation in the
implementation programme, etc. that may come at any point of
time during the project period should very well be considered by TA
for execution without any additional cost.
xxii. At the end of the Project, TA shall prepare proper documentation
covering the entire activities, preparation of case studies and
photo/video documentation along with an end-project report
articulating the outcomes in terms of productivity and sales. Listing
out the outcomes achieved against the targets fixed at the
beginning of the project will also be done.
xxiii. Formulate an exit strategy for the IA and prepare a sustainability
roadmap for the Cluster with a business plan for the next five years
beyond the project duration.
xxiv. Empanelled TAs are permitted to identify suitable IA.
xxv. TA shall have to act diligently to ensure compliance to all Rules and
Regulations, as required for the proposals at the DPR stage in order to
obtain final approval from the SSC.
4.4. The fee will be paid by the NA to the TA on per cluster basis; the scheme
will encourage a success fee based model, linked to milestones achieved.
4.5 Implementing Agency (IA)
Implementing Agencies (IAs) would be non-Government organizations (NGOs),
institutions of the Central and State Governments and semi-Government
institutions, field functionaries of State and Central Govt., Panchayati Raj
institutions (PRIs), etc. with suitable expertise to undertake cluster
development. One IA will be assigned for only one cluster normally (unless it is
an agency with State-wide coverage). However, in case IA proposes to set up
more clusters, NAs to assess properly IA for its capability to set up additional
cluster(s). The selection of IAs, based on their regional reputation and
experience of working at the grass-roots level, will be done by the Nodal
Agencies (NAs), on the basis of transparent criteria.
Private sector participation shall also be encouraged for the implementation of
the cluster projects. Corporate entities can also take up projects directly by
forming cluster-specific SPVs.
Corporates and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) foundations with
expertise in cluster development will be encouraged to participate as IAs. In
the case where a private sector entity is the IA, it shall contribute at least 50%
of the total project cost excluding the cost of land.
4.6 Formation of SPV
4.6.1 (a) Formation of SPV is mandatory to seek the final approval by IA.
The purpose of SPV will be to develop and sustain the cluster after the project
implementation period is over. A SPV will be formed for each cluster which
may be any of the following entities:
i. a Society registered under Societies (Registration) Act, 1860;
ii. a Co-operative Society under an appropriate statute;
iii. a Producer Company under section 465(1) of Companies Act, 2013 (18
of 2013);
iv. a Section 8 Company under The Companies Act, 2013 (18 of 2013);
v. a Trust; or
vi. Any other legal entity, with the prior approval of SSC.
(b) A SPV will be formed for each cluster with minimum 33% representation of
artisans in the Governing body/Managing Committee, by whatever name it is
called, except in case of Khadi Institutions (KIs) of KVIC being IA, since Khadi
Institutions (KIs) are already deemed SPV & in KVIC model the role of SPV comes
into play at the time of exit of IA, only.
(c) In case the Panchayati Raj Institutions(PRIs) at the cluster level desires to
be the IA, it can form an SPV ensuring that the cluster micro-
enterprises/beneficiaries hold a minimum 33% of the total equity in the SPV’s
governing body.
(d) In case of private sector promoted SPVs the shareholding of the lead
investor/private partner shall not normally exceed 50% of the total equity.
(e) IA/SPV may deposit their share (10% or 5%, as the case may be) in a phased
manner with minimum 25% amount in a single installment as per the satisfaction of
4.6.2 IA shall appoint a full-time executive, to be located in the cluster, who
will act as the Cluster Development Executive (CDE), and shall be responsible
for implementation of the project as per the approved DPR. The
responsibilities of CDE shall include preparation and implementation of the
Annual Action Plans of the cluster, promoting linkages with professional
institutions as well as local institutions including PRIs.
4.7 Role of IAs:
The role and responsibility of the IAs includes the following:
i. Recruit a full-time CDE in order to ensure efficient implementation of
the project. Selection of CDE must be made from 3 options viz. (i) a
local capable & strongly acceptable CDE from among the beneficiary
group, (ii) grooming of an existing person from the group to become a
good CDE and (iii) an externally recruited CDE. Additional qualification,
experience and expertise to be considered while selection of the CDE in
line with the requirements of the project deliverables.
ii. In case of an external person is chosen as the CDE, a capable local
person may be made the deputy to the CDE so that he is groomed to
take up the responsibility once the regular CDE leaves the cluster after
financial support is stopped.
iii. The IA would identify and arrange suitable land for the project.
iv. Implement various interventions as outlined in the approved DPR;
v. Undertake procurement and appointment of contractors, when
required, in a fair and transparent manner;
vi. The IA will enter into an agreement with the Nodal Agency for timely
completion on cluster intervention and proper utilization of
Government Grants;
vii. Operation & Maintenance (O&M) of assets created under the project
by way of user-fee based model;
viii. Responsible for furnishing Utilization Certificates (UCs) and regular
Progress Reports to Nodal Agency in the prescribed formats.
ix. Implementing Agency (IA) may select suitable empanelled Technical Agency
(TA) to assist them in implementing the cluster project.
x. The IA shall endeavor to increase participation of various other cluster
stakeholders and institutions by forming a Cluster Advisory Group,
preferably headed by the District Magistrate and with representation
from PRIs, traditional industry enterprises, support service institutions,
banks, etc. with the objective of fostering increased level of
involvement of various cluster stakeholders and strengthening the
implementation of the project.
5.1 Web-Based Project Management System (PMS)
5.1.1 In order to effectively manage the scheme of such scale and coverage it
is proposed to set up a dedicated SFURTI website enabled with Project
Management System (PMS) to manage projects on-line from inviting
proposals to screening of applications and concurrent monitoring of
progress till completion. The proposed PMS will have in-built systems for
online application, MIS tracking, monitoring of physical & financial
progress, sharing of reports and other tools for project management.
The system will enable all the associated institutions and stakeholders to
monitor the progress of projects and work collaboratively to ensure
successful implementation of the Scheme. The web-based PMS would
help to address various implementation issues such as time overruns,
inadequate coverage, and other risks & quality issues.
5.1.2 The web platform would also provide the option to the potential Nodal
Agencies to apply and upload their credentials so as to enable the SSC to
take a suitable call to enroll the agency as a Nodal Agency.
5.1.3 The web platform would also have a built in module to screen, sort and
filter the received applications state wise and forward the same to the
State Governments in real time to save any delay in implementation. The
system would also send reminders periodically to the State
Governments till such time the approvals are sought.
5.1.4 All enrolled NAs, TAs would be listed on the web portal so as to provide
the available options to the potential IAs to approach them accordingly.
5.1.5 The system would also act as a web based monitoring system to provide
necessary inputs for any kind of delays and non-processing at any stage
in the entire work flow.
5.2 Identification of tentative list of clusters
i). Nodal Agencies will first draw up a State-wise list of potential clusters
in consultation with Technical Agencies with clear identification of
Implementing Agency who shall be local operative for managing the
cluster and looks after the day-to-day affairs of the cluster.
ii). A market driven approach should be adopted for identification and
structuring of the projects so as to ensure viability and long term
sustainability of the project activities. The Cluster should be so
selected where the products have huge potential market demand and
the Cluster can be developed to scale up activities and produce high
value products for the market.
iii). The SFURTI Clusters should preferably be existing clusters (Brownfield)
and new clusters (Greenfield), should however be carefully selected
after a thorough study of the cluster dynamics and potentiality of the
iv). In addition to Khadi, the Clusters should cover traditional rural
industries and village industries which should be in conformity with
the KVI Act and norms.
v). The SFURTI project should aim to adopt the Growth Pole concept for
triggering growth of the traditional village industries. A cluster of
clusters approach must be adopted for the project to create cascading
positive externalities with the scope of extension of the activities in a
larger contiguous area.
vi). Multi-product Clusters must be promoted, particularly in the case of
Major Clusters for greater project coverage and economic viability/
sustainability of the cluster. Products which are complimentary to
each other need to be selected for Multiproduct Clusters.
vii). The Clusters and the activities must have a critical mass, for ensuring
economies of scale. Projects under SFURTI should be integrated value
chain based and the project should be structured with interventions to
address the gaps along the entire value chain.
viii). End to End product clusters will enhance viability of the clusters. The
project must ensure that substantial value addition takes place at the
village/Cluster level for greater value capture and higher unit value
ix). It must be ensured that as far as possible the entire value addition
should be done at the cluster itself, so that maximum realization is
x). The project design and structure should specifically provide a plan for
sustainability of the project activities, especially beyond the project
period along with exit plan.
xi). The project must be so structured such as to promote optimum
utilization of infrastructure facilities through a range of activities. In
case of multi-product Clusters, the possibility of setting up specialized
CFCs for each product line, closer to the raw material base, could also
be explored.
xii). The project should allow involved and active participation of all
members of the Cluster. NER projects should focus on the challenges
in the region and came out with solution for these.
xiii). All NAs may advertise through both Electronic and Print media, giving wide
publicity to the Scheme on regular basis for identification of potential
5.3 Engagement and appointment of TAs
As a large number of clusters located in various parts of the country, need to
be covered under the program in a time-bound manner; it is required to
empanel as many technically competent cluster development organizations as
possible, as a pool of Technical Agencies (TAs) to assist in the implementation
of the projects.
5.3.1 An Expression of Interest (EoI) will be published by the NA in leading
national newspapers requesting for proposals. The TAs will be shortlisted by
NA based on technical evaluation of their proposals, mostly in terms of-
i. Net worth of the organization;
ii. Organizational experience in implementing projects of similar nature
specially artisans and micro-enterprise based developmental initiatives;
iii. Competence of personnel and team;
iv. Geographical presence; and
v. Any other parameter as deemed fit by the NA/SSC.
Based on the above criteria, TAs would be appointed and assigned to specific
clusters. Any other eligible institution may approach the Ministry of MSME or
any of the Nodal Agencies for enrolment as a TA and the SSC shall be the final
authority for due approval of the proposal for appointing any institution with
eligibility and competence. It may be noted that TAs will be grouped at the
cluster level whereby a single TA can be assigned to multiple clusters, not
exceeding 50 clusters per TA.
5.4 Approval from SSC
The SSC shall be responsible for approval of the projects and monitoring of
their implementation. There would be only one stage approval at Ministry/SSC
The project will be accorded approval by the SSC subject to fulfilment of the
following conditions:
i. Preparation of DPR as per the standard template as provided under the
scheme with specific details of interventions with cost estimates, timelines and
sustainability plan.
ii. Identification of IA and formation of project specific SPV as per provision of the
iii. Execution of shareholders agreement and other related agreements between
the IA and the members; and
iv. Arrangement of requisite land for construction of common facilities by the IA in
terms of registered sale or lease deed (long term of 15 years or more) in the
IA’s name.
v. Confirmation on availability of 10%/5% (NER and Hilly areas) IA’s share as per
the guidelines.
5.5 Release of Funds to NA
i) The cost of project shall include hard interventions and soft interventions.
The project cost shall also include the cost of services of a professional TA and
costs incurred by the IA for engaging a competent CDE and other
administrative expenses incurred by the TA, which needs to be paid by the
Nodal Agency.
ii) Proposal for release of funds will be submitted by NAs cluster-wise to
Ministry of MSME. The release of funds to NAs will be based on approved Plan
of Action (PoA) and progress of expenditure.
iii) The funds will be released to the NAs on receipt of UC and Progress Report,
and the NAs shall in turn, release the fund to the cluster as per the approved
Cluster/ Annual Action Plan.
iv) Funds to NA will be disbursed under two heads:
i. SFURTI Programme Fund
ii. SFURTI Administrative Fund
v) The NA shall maintain two separate accounts for each of the above
mentioned heads and will be subject to audit. All expenses relating to
monitoring and management of the Scheme and national level activities will be
met out of SFURTI Administrative Fund and rest from SFURTI Programme Fund.
5.5.1 Quantum of Fund Release: Consequent upon the approval of the project
by the Scheme Steering Committee (SSC), 50% of the Soft Intervention, 50% of
the Hard Intervention, 50% of the IA cost and 50% of the TA cost shall be
released to the Nodal Agency. On production of Utilization Certificate and
actual utilization of 2/3rd of the released amount, remaining 50% of the Soft
Intervention, 50% of the Hard Intervention, 50% of the IA cost and 50% of the
TA cost shall be released to the Nodal Agency.
5.6 Release of Funds to IA
On obtaining final approval, a sanction order will be issued by NA and 1st
installment for the hard intervention will be released by NA in the dedicated
bank account opened in the name of the IA. Whereas release of fund by NA to
IAs for soft-intervention shall be need-based and a part component of the
same is released to the IA after in-principle-approval of the SSC, the following
schedule will be adopted for release of scheme funds for hard interventions:
i. 1
st instalment of 50% of the hard intervention as advance on IA
arranging land;
ii. 2
nd instalment of another 50% on utilization of 2/3 of 1stinstalment; and
6.1 The cost of project shall include hard interventions and soft
interventions detailed in Paragraph 3. The project cost shall also include the
cost of services of a professional TA and costs incurred by the IA for engaging a
competent CDE and other administrative expenses incurred by the TA.
6.2 The financial assistance provided for any specific project shall be subject
to a maximum of Rs.5 (Five) crore.
Type of clusters Per Cluster Budget Limit
Regular Clusters (upto 500 artisans)* Rs.2.50 crore
Major Clusters (more than 500 artisans) Rs.5.00 crore
* Clusters with lesser number of artisans/workers etc. can also be
proposed by NAs but number of artisans/workers etc. should not be less
than 100 (50 for NER & Hilly areas) In such cases, proportionate
GIA(Grants-in-aid) may be considered by SSC while granting approval.
Project Duration
The timeframe for the implementation of project will be 12-18 months. The
DPR would provide quarter-wise phasing of the interventions and
requirements of funds.
9.1 Substantial investments are being made for strengthening of rural
clusters and the livelihood base of the poor. In order to optimise the efforts
and maximise impact & sustainability, it is imperative to ensure convergence
and bring in synergies between different private initiatives and government
schemes in terms of planning, process and implementation. The Scheme
envisages leveraging resources from the following sources:
i. Private sector participation: The scheme shall encourage participation of
private sector retailers with proven track records and established retail
networks. Retailers specializing in products sourced from khadi &village
industries, coir & other industries may participate as Implementing
Agency or Technical Agency. In cases where private sector agency is the
implementing agency, the private partner shall contribute at least 50%
of the project cost excluding the cost of land.
ii. Corporate Social Responsibility: The corporate of public and private
sector can participate in the SFURTI program by way of providing
additional financial support and professional operations & management
support to the projects funded under the Scheme as part of their CSR.
Such CSR foundations with proven track record and capability of
managing MSME cluster projects, can participate either as IA or TA.
iii. Participation by Private Equity (PE)/Impact Funds: To leverage the
increasing trend of financial institutions floating funds to support
clusters that are in nature of social investments, such funds will be
encouraged to participate in the SPVs, subject to the condition that their
shareholding shall not exceed 50% of the total equity. In case of debt
support, patient capital with extended moratorium, low rate of interest
and flexible repayment options shall be considered.
iv. Other schemes of State and Central Government: IAs will be encouraged
to dovetail funds from other various state and central government
schemes over and above the funds sanctioned for SFURTI scheme,
provided that there is no duplication of a specific project component
being funded from one source.
v. Funds from Multi-lateral Development Banks (MDBs): It is envisaged that
the funding from the scheme will leveraged to secure additional financial
assistance from the MDBs to ensure sustainability and competitiveness
of the clusters.
9.2 The participation of stake holders as illustrated above is indicative. Any
such participation or support needs to be detailed out in the DPR and is subject
to approval from the SSC.
9.3 TAs and NAs must therefore ensure that convergence is built into
implementation framework right from the stage of project design. For
example, the banks and RSETI expressed the need to involve them at the stage
of DSRs and Action Plan formulation. Convergence with private sector buyers
in the value chain and other key stakeholders must be built into project design.
Funding from public and private agencies should also be ensured at early
stage. In order to ensure convergence, linkages should also be made through
reporting to SLBC and District committees chaired by the Collector.
10.1 Working Committee to look after CFC: To ensure that the facilities and
infrastructure created with grants under SFURTI are sustainably managed to
the advantage of artisans for improved production and marketing, IA will
constitute a Working Committee for each cluster comprising the following:
i. Chief functionary of the IA – Convener;
ii. Representative of a Nationalized bank operating in the area;
iii. 3 artisans nominated by the IA (including at least one woman) on
annual rotation basis, re-nomination may not be allowed in five
iv. Representative of the NA; and
v. GM, DIC or his representative.
The Working Committee will meet at least once in a month to review the
operational and maintenance aspects of the CFC and decide about the user
charges. The SPV will open and maintain a corpus fund for maintenance of the
CFC. The user charges will go to the corpus. The SPV on the basis of
recommendation of Working Committee may incur expenditure towards
maintenance/ augmentation of the CFC.
10.2 Access to credit: The IA will arrange the credit requirements including
working capital for activities within the cluster. They may also extend credit to
individual groups in the form of supplying raw materials on credit, etc., if
required. The credit will be arranged at best possible cost preferably from the
nearest available source.
10.3 Business Plan for the cluster: The TA in consultation with the IA will
prepare a Business Plan for the cluster as a going concern, taking into account
relevant facts and after conducting appropriate market survey as may be
considered necessary by IA within the first two years of implementation of
SFURTI in the cluster.
i. An intimation for setting up of cluster to be given to the concerned department
of the State Govt. with a request to provide inputs, if any, in 15 days and in
case no comments are received, it will be considered that they have no
objection to the proposal.
ii. Assist in identification and procurement of suitable land for the projects
wherever required, in order to set up cluster infrastructure;
iii. Providing all the requisite clearances wherever needed for setting up
cluster and providing necessary assistance for power, water and other
utilities to the cluster;
iv. Providing necessary external infrastructure to the projects such as
power, water supply, roads, effluent disposal etc, wherever needed;
v. The State Government agencies like infrastructure/ industrial
development corporations may also participate in the projects by way of
subscribing to the equity of SPV or by providing Grants;
vi. Providing necessary project related clearances on a priority basis;
vii. Dovetailing assistance available under related schemes for overall
effectiveness and viability of the projects; and
viii. Extending incentives available under related industrial promotional
ix. The State Governments/UTs may conduct surveys and map and identify
potential sites and products for clusterisation under SFURTI and
accordingly seek the intervention of M/o MSME to set up SFURTI
clusters in those sites and consisting of the specified
x. State Govts. may also send such proposals (DPR) to M/o MSME through
any of the NAs mentioned in para 4.2 of these Guidelines. However,
wherever such proposals are received directly in the Ministry of MSME
[The Joint Secretary (ARI Division), Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium
Enterprises, Room No.171, Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi-
110011.Telephone: (011) 23061543 Telefax: (011) 23062858E-mail:
js.ari@nic.in], first a Nodal Agency will be allocated by the Ministry. A
Detailed Project Report (DPR) shall be prepared through a Technical
Agency and submitted to the SSC for consideration.
12.1 IA shall ensure that the services of the facilities created under the
Scheme are extended to the cluster in general, in addition to the member
12.2 IA shall be responsible for O&M of assets created under the Scheme
beyond the project duration. IA shall ensure that the users of these facilities
pay for the services rendered, for the maintenance of the assets.
12.3 In case of dissolution of IA/SPV within 10 years from the date of sanction
of assistance by the Government under the Scheme, the assets created with
such assistance shall be vested with the Government. The Memorandum of
Association & Articles of Association of the SPV shall incorporate this condition.
In case of deemed SPVs, the IA will furnish and undertaking to this effect.
13.1 The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) will
periodically review the progress of the projects under the scheme. The Nodal
Agency shall be responsible for obtaining Quarterly Progress Reports and
Annual Progress Report showing physical and financial progress from the
clusters and forward it to the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
(MSME) on a regular basis.
13.2 Periodic review by Nodal Agency: The NAs assisted by TAs will devise a
suitable monitoring framework duly approved by the SSC. In addition to the
quarterly progress reports indicating cluster-wise physical and financial
progress, the NAs will also track the progress through video-conferencing and
other ICT tools.
13.3 Evaluation of the Scheme: It is envisaged to take-up third party mid-
term evaluation of the projects to determine the deficiencies and take-up mid-
course corrective measures. Impact assessment studies will also be undertaken
at end of the project both at the cluster-level and the program-level to validate
the outcomes achieved.
13.4 Encouragements through Awards: All NAs may send proposals in this
regard to the M/o MSME. Suitable mechanism will be ensured – including
third party, evaluation for awards etc.
Notwithstanding anything contained above, Central Government may issue
such instructions as may be necessary to implement the above guidelines. If
any difficulty or ambiguity arises in giving effect to these provisions, Central
Government may issue appropriate directions which shall be binding on NAs,
TAs and IAs.
14.1 In so far as interpretation of any of the provisions of these guidelines,
the decision of the Scheme Steering Committee (SSC) shall be final.
SFURTI Scheme Guidelines