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Q1.  Who invented Dynamite? 

Answer:-  Alfred B. Nobel 

Q2. Who invented the first controllable flying AEROPLANE (AIRPLANE)?

Answer:- Wright Brothers 

Wilbur and Orville Wright made the first successful controlled powered flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, in December 1903. The twelve second flight covered a distance of 120 feet and an altitude of just ten feet.

Q3.  Who is the only U.S. President to invent and patent something?

Answer:- Abraham Lincoln. 

1849 Honest Abe invented a method to aid ships that got stuck on sandbars. He called it A Device for Buoying Vessels Over Shoals. It was never used.

Q4.  Who among the following invented the small pox vaccine?

Answer:- Edward Jenner

Q5. Who had an explosive idea and first patented DYNAMITE?

A. J. R. Gluber
B. A. Nobel
C. G. Fawks
D. W. Bickford
Answer: Option B


Alfred Noble patented dynamite in 1876. Nobel left $9 million in his will to be used as awards for people whose work benefit humanity - The Nobel Peace Prize etc.

Q6.  Who invented Electric Generator?

A. Sir Alexander Graham Bell
B. Michael Faraday
C. Alfred B. Nobel
D. Thomas Alva Edison
Answer: Option B

Q7. What Galileo invented?

A. Barometer
B. Pendulum clock
C. Microscope
D. Thermometer
Answer: Option D

Q8. Who invented the BALLPOINT PEN?

A. Biro Brothers
B. Waterman Brothers
C. Bicc Brothers
D. Write Brothers 
Answer: Option A

Q9. Who invented the Spinning Jenny?

A. Thornton Hargreaves
B. Peter Hargreaves
C. James Hargreaves
D. Simon Hargreaves
Answer: Option C


Awarded a Patent in 1770. It used 8 bobbins at once.

Q10. Who is the English physicist responsible for the 'Big Bang Theory'?

A. Albert Einstein
B. Michael Skube
C. George Gamow
D. Roger Penrose
Answer: Option C


George Gamow. Gamow, who died in 1968, was a physicist, who published "Thirty Years that Shook Physics".

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